‘Magnum Power Moulder’ is an innovative and patented machine, that occupies little space, consumes less power and has an automatic granule feeder to make the plastic parts manufacturing process quick, easy and economical. This machine breaks the entry barrier of high setup cost, high power requirement, skilled operator and high space requirement, and offers an affordable and simple solution to start the Plastic Industry.
‘Magnum Power Moulder’ is the only machine, that can be operated from a variety of renewable energy sources like solar & wind energy. So, even if you are not connected to the utility grid or if you face frequent power cuts, you can still start your Plastic Industry and benefit from the vast business opportunity it offers from a small space and a little investment.
World's First & World's Best!
Our award-winning 'Solar-Bot' is an example of our technical prowess in the field of Robotics and Machine Learning (ML). Since 1998, our team has been actively involved in Robotics Development and we have developed many robots useful in the fields of Agriculture, Solar Farms, Industrial & Defence. Based on specific requirements, we can develop any type of Robot including Drones, Ground Based as well as Amphibious Robots.
Our Robot expertise ranges from Farming Robots to Solar Panel Cleaning ones. Our Robots are designed to be flexible and adaptable to most of the hostile working conditions in Industries & Deserts alike. Our 'Solar-Bots' work at some of the toughest working territories like deserts, challenging high temperatures, high wind and desert storms & even unexpected rain.
The picture shows our Patented robot 'Unicorn' in action.
This 'Agri-Robot' was developed in 1998 as a PoC (Proof of Concept) and was ahead of its time in terms of Technology, Innovation, and vision. This Computer-Controlled Robot was a testimony to our technical capabilities and ability to innovate. We cherish all the learning experiences, success, and fun we had developing robots without the help of the Internet!
This ‘Agri-Robot' was capable of Colour Detection, Obstacle Detection 360 D, arm Moment and other cutting-edge features. This structure was fabricated using 'aircraft-grade' Aluminium alloy for strength and lightweight requirements. This Aluminium alloy was locally procured from salvaged bike engine pistons with the help of local mechanics and garages. Thereby getting the best-quality aluminium for the structure and also making it possible to build the Robot with a limited budget and resources.
This Robot was designed to pick only ripened Tomatoes from the farm, with the aid of an array of sensors and other associated electronics and software, written in C & CG (C Graphics). The whole endeavour looks like an adventure considering the fact that Robot was developed within a small office space and with a very small team of passionate professionals.
This innovative system is a Telemetry System, developed to monitor River Water Levels and other similar waterbodies. Our Patented* & fully indigenous Water Run-Off Monitoring System has won praise from the World Bank for our easy-to-use and practical design solutions. Our devices are helping Agri-Scientists and Hydrologists monitor and study the Rain Pattern and resulting Water Run-Off data for scientific analyses. We take pride in providing a sophisticated but rugged easy-to-use solution to our scientists that helps our farmers and society in general.
The picture here shows our product at a study site near Raichur, India.
Introducing our Patented Solar Panel Cleaning Robot, which smartly & automatically cleans solar panels to enhance power production. Our solar robots help conserve millions of Liters of water in solar farms by using a waterless, chemical-free cleaning mechanism that is fast & efficient.
Solar farms typically require millions of gallons of water to clean the solar panels. If the panels are covered in dust or dirt, their efficiency decreases, affecting overall power production and also resulting in loss of revenue.
Therefore, it is crucial to keep solar panels free from dust. Our 'Unicorn' Robot automatically cleans the PV Panels every day before dawn & after dusk, contributing to improved efficiency and increased earnings for solar farms and also helping conserve water, labour & other natural resources.
'Virus-Blaster' is a unique and automatic Disinfection System developed during the COVID-19 pandemic. This system offers smart disinfection of a variety of objects with the help of a conveyor belt mechanism and a strong UV-based disinfection system. 'Virus-Blaster' was the first of its kind disinfection system using 3D UV Blast Technology.
This system was a reliable system for safe material handling in places like restaurants, Banks, offices, Medical Stores and even in Schools and Hospitals. This coupled with Solar Energy offers an automatic, safe and reliable UV disinfection system during the tough times of COVID-19.
'Ultra-Lid' is an attempt to provide a Solar Powered Water Steriliser system for overhead water tanks. This system uses a combination of water sterilization methods to offer a chemical-free and self-sustained water sterilization system for households and commercial buildings.
This is our Patent pending device, aimed to offer an effective and reliable alternative to chemical-based germ-killing practices like chlorine. With this device, we hope to offer an affordable chemical-free, electricity-free and reliable system to disinfect potable water for daily use.
Patented Robot, that Cleanes Solar Panels Automatically,
Smartly and without Water.
Groundbreaking Plastic Moulding Machine,
Small, Simple & Easy to Operate.
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs,
but not every man's greed.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Smart Disinfection System
Robotic Disinfection System